
To be pregnant is every woman’s dream came true ! This is the period you enjoy the most with showers of love, attention and pampering from everyone around with a little apprehension in the mind about “will everything be OK?”

At Patankar Hospital the team of expert obstetricians are there to help you and guide you through this beautiful journey towards your motherhood……..at every step!

Normal Pregnancy

  • Duration of normal pregnancy
  • Development of your baby
  • What to expect during pregnancy
  • Do's and Don'ts
  • Diet during pregnancy
  • Exercises During Pregnancy
  • Antenatal visits
  • Investigations during pregnancy
  • When to report to the hospital.

Duration of the normal pregnancy :

By n large a women is suspected to be pregnant, if she misses her regular menstrual period ! This can be confirmed commonly with the help of a “pregnancy kit” within a week of missed period. The total duration of pregnancy is 9 months 7 days or 280 days or 40 weeks! That means the expected date of delivery is calculated ( in most cases ) by adding that period to the 1st day of her last menstrual period!

The total duration of pregnancy is equally divided in 3 trimesters, one of three months each.

Development of your baby :

Your baby grows practically every day. The first 3 months are very important as this is the period of organogenesis i.e. organ formation. Then is the period during which these organs develop further and start functioning, each at different period so as to make the baby mature enough to live independently. It is important to avoid taking any medicine other than those which are allowed during pregnancy and also to avoid the X-ray exposure.

What to expect during pregnancy :

First Trimester : Feeling of nausea and/or vomiting more in the morning

  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Heaviness or slight pain in the breasts
  • Constipation
  • Mood swings, early fatigability
  • No weight gain, in fact there could be weight loss due to excessive nausea and vomiting

Second Trimester :Appetite improves

  • Frequency of urination reduces
  • Increased vaginal secretions (not associated with foul smell or itching)
  • Feeling the movements of the baby by 20th week
  • Increase in the weight gain and abdominal growth
  • Backache
  • Heartburns, Gases

Third Trimester : Increase in weight as well as abdomen growth.

  • Swelling over feet and ankles
  • Dryness of skin, itching all over the body
  • Leg cramps
  • Hardening of the uterus (no pain)

In the last month there could be secretions from the breasts,mild discomfort in the abdomen and back, difficulty in walking, reduced movements of the baby and incomplete evacuation of bladder and bowels and so increased frequency.

Do's and Don'ts During Pregnancy :

You can continue your daily routine as long as it doesn’t make you feel tired.You should not work at a stretch, instead, take small breaks in between where you can relax a bit and take a bite.

  • Eat small, frequent portions. This will make you feel less tired.
  • Always wear loose fitting garments made preferably from cotton.
  • Do exercise if your condition and the doctor permit so.
  • Always maintain your posture i.e. sit, stand, walk with straight back. Do not bend in your back !Instead sit down or bend in your knees.
  • Pay regular visits to the doctor as advised and also whenever the need arises.

Diet During Pregnancy :

You should eat healthy not only during pregnancy but all throughout your life! Healthy eating habits help your baby grow and develop well and also keep you fit and healthy.You should include a mixture of different kinds of food everyday in your diet so as to make sure that you get various nutrients that you and your baby need. There are various myths about the diet a pregnant lady should have! Here are some tips regarding the same.

  • Always eat fresh (preferably home-made), well cooked and hygienic food.
  • Eat small portions at one time but eat frequently (every 2 hrs).
  • Don't stuff yourself with the calories but eat nutritious, healthy and balanced diet.
  • Eat plenty of fruits (1-2) and vegetables (at least 3-4 servings) every day. These will provide the necessary vitamins, minerals and fibre.
  • Carbohydrates should form the main part of your meals in the form of bread, chapatis, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals.
  • Proteins are the building blocks! The non-veg sources of proteins are eggs, fish and meat and the veg sources are paneer, sprouts, cheese, beans, lentils.
  • Dairy products like milk and yogurt can be eaten in between the meals and they are good sources of calcium and other nutrients.
  • Cut down on fats and fatty foods as well as sugar and sugary foods.
  • Green leafy vegetables, nuts, meat, jaggery, dry fruits like raisins, figs, dates are good sources of iron. Eat some everyday. If you lack in iron you may develop anaemia and feel tired.
  • Citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli are rich in vitamin-C which helps in a better absorption of iron from the food.
  • Always drink boiled water even though it is from aquaguard.

We at Patankar Hospital, also have a dietician who can guide you about the diet during your pregnancy as per your choices, schedule, condition as well as the need!

Exercises During Pregnancy :

Pregnancy, though a physiological and natural condition, puts an additional burden on the mother's body like change of posture and body shape along with hormonal changes and the changes cause in different systems of the body. So to cope-up with these challenges (physical as well as mental) every woman should do some form of exercise during her pregnancy. Remember! Doing the household work or a job is just not enough! We, at Patankar Hospital, have a programme of antenatal exercises specially designed for the pregnant women under the guidance of the skilled professionals.

It includes 8 classes, one class every week and includes information about pregnancy, diet, delivery, exercises and baby care. You can enroll yourself after the 5th month of the pregnancy.

It is recommended that the above exercises should be done after consulting your doctor.

Exercise PDF

Antenatal visits :

The 1st antenatal visit should be as early as possible – If you miss your period.

Normally you will be called once a month for the first 7 months, every 15 days till the 9th month and every week till time of delivery! The no of visits may increase if the need arises ,i.e. you develop any complaint at home or any complication during the pregnancy.

Please understand that helps the doctor to manage your current condition in a better manner and proper way.

Investigations during pregnancy :


Although pregnancy is not a disease it is important for us to do certain tests to know if the mother and baby are in a good condition or not! The three types of investigations are done routinely in every patient.

  • Blood and urine investigations
  • Antenatal screening
  • Ultrasonography(USG)

Blood and urine investigations to know the hemoglobin status of the mother, Blood group and Rh type, blood sugar levels and other infections in the urine and blood.

Certain tests are repeated periodically to make sure that everything is normal.

Antenatal Screening :

These are done in the form of blood tests coupled with ultrasonography to know if the developing baby has any chromosomal anomaly leading to mental retardation.these are done either between 11-13 weeks (Double Test) or between 16-19 weeks (Triple Test).

When to report to the hospital :

Any sign or symptom which you feel is not normal is an indication to report to the hospital. The various signs and symptoms are:

  • If there is vaginal bleeding or altered coloured discharge.
  • In case of headache, giddiness, blurring of vision, edema feet.
  • If you are unable to feel the baby’s movements or if they are too less or too excessive.
  • In case of excessive vomiting.
  • In case of sudden watery discharge from vagina.
  • In case of pain in the abdomen and back.

Antenatal Exercise Programme

We at Patankar Hospital conduct antenatal education programmes . The 1st three months and then after your 16 weeks of pregnancy . This includes lectures about the pregnancy, establishing positive mindset during pregnancy, changes occurring during pregnancy,delivery and various modes of delivery,post delivery care ,etc. The dietician will guide you about the diet during the pregnancy. Also, exercises are taught so that you enjoy this journey in a carefree manner.

Please enquire about the details at the Front Desk(Reception) and enroll yourself.

High Risk Pregnancy

The pregnancy is said to be at high risk when it is associated with certain conditions which put the life of either the mother or the fetus(baby) or both at risk.

Few such conditions are diabetes,high blood pressure,growth retardation in fetus,heart disease.

In such situations the health of the mother and the fetus have to be monitored very closely . Certain special investigations have to be done and may have to be repeated. At Patankar Hospital the team of experts will take every precaution so that both the mother and the baby remain healthy and safe.


Now is the time when you will be seeing the one whom you were feeling till now! Yes, delivery is the process in which a woman needs utmost care, mental and emotional as well as physical strength and support. A delivery can be either a normal vaginal delivery or a caesarean section. Sometimes forceps or vacuum delivery has to be performed if the need arises so. Caesarean section is done if the condition arises so. For the caesarean section,regional anaesthesia (spinal or epidural) is preferred over the general anaesthesia as it is less risky to the mother and the baby and also the recovery is faster, the patient is wide awake, first to see her baby.

The team of doctors and nurses at Patankar Hospital have the latest facilities to make you feel comfortable throughout your labour so that it becomes a memorable experience for you.

Painless Delivery :

"Delivery means you have to bear with the pains". This equation is no longer true with the development of the epidural analgesia. In this an analgesic is given in the epidural space (space outside the coverings of the spinal cord) periodically so that the patient does not feel the pain as her delivery progresses..

At Patankar Hospital, we have a team of anesthetists available 24 hours, to give you epidural analgesia the moment you demand it. The doctor will constantly be with you till the delivery. If the need of caesarean section arises then the same analgesia can be converted into anesthesia.

Post Delivery and Baby Care :

After the delivery the patient is taught regarding the breast feeding, care of the stitches, diet, etc. The baby clothes are provided from the hospital itself till the mother is hospitalized. Special emphasis is given on the breast feeding with daily visits of the paediatrician at least once. A physiotherapist teaches about the post-natal exercises and the nutritionist will design a diet which can be easily practised at home to help you to get back to your normal and healthy form and figure.

A detailed counselling is done regarding the baby care and the vaccination of the baby.